Head of Research Technology

The astroparticle division has an extensive Research Technology department to support all technological efforts around the experiments the DESY campus in Zeuthen is involved in. The development, installation and operation of detectors and accelerators require high-tech equipment and know-how in our dedicated mechanics and electronics groups. Experiment IT support and scientific computing are the two key competences and activities of Zeuthen IT department. We all support experiments like the neutrino observatory IceCube at the South Pole, the gamma-ray observatory CTA in Chile and Spain, the satellite mission ULTRASAT, the upgrade of the ATLAS detector at CERN and Brandenburg's largest research accelerator PITZ.
We have a large spread of activities:
- Research, development and production in the field of particle detectors and sensors
- Electronics, IT components and software for high-speed readout and control systems
- Large-scale scientific computing for experimental and theoretical physics
- Mechanical components for vacuum beam lines
- Steelwork for accelerators and telescopes
Besides engineering staff, we have workshops and training workshops, educating apprentices in electronics, mechanics and computer science. Structurally, the Research Technology department consists of
- Detector development
- IT department
- Electronics group
- Mechanics group
- Ausbildung