Graduate Education
  • Website of the Multimessenger School
    The International Helmholtz-Weizmann Research School on Multimessenger Astronomy provides a world-class international training and education environment.
External Support

Gamma Astronomy

The Gamma group at DESY is actively engaged in pioneering research focused on high-energy gamma rays, utilizing Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescope arrays (IACTs). We are in the process of constructing the Cherenkov Telescope Array Observatory (CTAO), which will be the most sensitive instrument in the TeV range. Our expertise spans a wide array of areas,  from hardware development (MSTs, SSTs) to advanced computational tools (ACADA, simulation,…). DESY in Zeuthen, one of the four observatory sites, is home to the Science Data Management Center (SDMC) of CTAO. These CTAO activities are complemented by a prolific scientific exploitation of the current most-sensitive IACTs (H.E.S.S., VERITAS and MAGIC), with a transversal scientific approach. As such, we are engaged in satellite based instruments by taking on the construction and design of a UV CMOS camera for the ULTRASAT mission, while exploring other multi-messenger/multi-messengers pathfinders.

We are a dynamic, diverse, and multicultural group, driven by the belief that science can also serve as a tool for creating a better society.